You are meant to light up the world. You have a unique Soul’s medicine that nobody else has. This doesn’t mean that your medicine is better than other people’s medicine, but it does mean that it’s different. You are the only one that can share this particular “flavor” of light. Without it the world can not be fully healed. This is how important your medicine is, and that is why you must come out of hiding.
As I lead workshops throughout the city I am struck by how many women are hiding their light. Some are so busy tending to everyone else’s light that they forget to kindle their own. Others see their own sparks of light but feel too unworthy of letting it shine. They tell themselves they are not ready. They continue to postpone their journey until “the time is right.”
But the time is now. Right in this moment you are ready to shine your light more brightly than you have before. This means evolving your career in some way that is bolder and more authentically you.
Ask yourself what is a small step you can take today, or tomorrow, that will allow you to show yourself more fully to those you serve. Your ego will try to make this very complicated, and will try to convince you that you need more training, or more preparation. But as I said earlier you are ready now to take steady, consistent steps forward.
For example, one of my clients is a therapist. When she reflected on one small step she could take to shine more of her light, she realized she wanted to start incorporating meditation in her sessions with clients. This was a step she could begin the next day. It was simple, and, of course, it scared her. She worried she wasn’t ready. She worried her clients would think it was weird. She almost convinced herself she needed training.
But as I slowed her down, and invited her to check inside she could hear that underneath all the worry chatter, her steady Soul was reassuring her that she was ready now in this moment. In fact, she wouldn’t have thought of that step if she wasn’t ready or if her clients weren’t ready for this evolution as well.
So she was courageous and she began trying it out with a few clients. Not surprisingly, her clients loved this new level of mindfulness in their sessions with her. They had been looking for this in their lives and now here it was. Integrating meditation into my client’s sessions was a small step that allowed her to start to “come out” of the spiritual closet, so to speak, and share more of her beautiful Soul’s medicine. Everyone benefited because she did this, her clients, the therapy practice where she works, and, of course, my client.
So my dears. It is time for you now.
What can you do today or tomorrow to be a brighter beacon of light for others?
If you think of something and it requires training, or a lot of reading, or preparation, that’s not the step I am talking about.
I am inviting you to come up with something you can begin now.
Ask your Soul. She knows.
ps If you feel ready to receive help in evolving your career, and shining your light more brightly, schedule a private Breakthrough Session with me. This is free for applicants who qualify. Click here to read more.
pss There are still a few spaces for Saturday’s retreat! Click here to read more.
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