When you’re committed to sharing your gifts, in the most authentic and fulfilling way, there will be times when your Soul guides you to retreat, to have more stillness, and create more alone time. This is normal, and part of the process of aligning with your Soul. It’s important to honor this need for withdrawing, with the intention of leaning into your Soul, to receive sustenance and guidance.
For example, many of my clients are in careers as therapists or life coaches. They love the work they do, but are feeling guided to evolve it in some way. This often entails integrating more spirituality and, maybe even, some new-age principles into their work. Of course, fears come up for my clients. They may wonder if their own clients will stop taking them seriously, or if they will lose credibility with their colleagues
As my clients deal with these fears, it is important for them to create time with their Soul every day. They do this to receive guidance, reassurance and most of all love from their Soul. In a sense, they are withdrawing from the outside world, retreating, to lean into and connect with their Soul. This is healthy and wise. And remember, these retreats, these little withdrawals from the external world, can literally take just 2-3 minutes, a few times a day.
What is not helpful is to go into HIDING. More specifically what I call “Soul Hiding”. Soul Hiding can disguise itself as retreating. You might be telling yourself you just need some time from Soul related things. Or, what’s even more common, is that you don’t tell yourself anything, you just unconsciously go into hiding because you’re scared.
It’s important to know that when you Soul Hide you are withdrawing from your Soul, that means you’re not receiving your Soul’s guidance, love and wisdom, instead you’re leaning into old patterns, and wounds.
For example, going into Soul Hiding can look like:
Overworking– Staying so busy with work you don’t have time for your Soul
Over-caring– Taking care of everyone else but yourself and your Soul.
Over-committing– Saying yes to everything and everyone except your Soul.
Over-indulging– Too much of, well anything, that leads to feeling so stuffed you can’t receive from your Soul. This can be, for example, food, drink, tv, social media.
Over-analyzing- Over-thinking decisions so much that you stay paralyzed and put off taking action, sometimes for years.
These are just a few examples. But you see the pattern, Soul Hiding is anything that keeps you from connecting with your Soul, and taking the steps She is guiding you to take.
Please know that we all do this at some point. Evolving your career is courageous. It is not for the faint of heart. So of course parts will get scared and want to hide. There is no shame in this. It’s just important to know that when you “Soul hide” you might find temporary relief, but you end up feeling exhausted and scattered. And, worst of all, you end up feeling disappointed in yourself.
So now that you know what Soul Hiding is, you will be able to recognize it, when you’re about to do it, or when you’re in the middle of it. And, remember, if you catch yourself in the midst of Soul Hiding, and you might think to yourself, Oh my gosh here I am doing the over-committing thing again. Then the answer is not to berate yourself, the answer is to stop right in that moment and connect with your Soul.
So you can have the commitment and discipline (as in disciple to your Soul) to stay present, to do your daily Interrupter rituals (see Do your interrupter rituals and stay on your Soul’s path), you will make steady progress forward.
Your Soul wants nothing more than to help you.
Lean into Her and miracles will happen.
Before you know it, you will have evolved your career and the world will be blessed by your amazing gifts.
You’ve got this! I have so much faith in you.
PS. Remember if you feel ready to receive help with evolving your career, I would love to talk to you. Go to my website here and read all about booking a free private Breakthrough Session.
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