And using this word as a sort of theme, focal point, intention for your year (read more about this practice here in previous blog).
This year the word, “COMMITTED”, chose me.
I wanted other words, like, abundance, grace, love, peace. But the word that came to me was, “COMMITTED”.
And, although, at first I resisted the word (it sounded boring and if I’m honest like a lot of work), once I sat and mediated, I understood that all of those other words I was hoping for, qualities, really, are already inside me.
Remember your Soul is ALREADY whole, beautiful, peaceful, graceful and all those other wonderful qualities. But often times your alignment with your Soul, your focus on our Soul, or commitment to nurturing your relationship with your Soul can waver.
As I remembered all this it suddenly made sense that my Soul gave me the word, “COMMITTED”.
So, my dears, committed I am. Committed to more deeply and consistently following my Soul’s guidance about my career and life. Committed to being bolder in my offerings, to sharing more of my light, and taking great leaps of faith and courage.
And committed to YOU, to helping you have an amazing evolution in your career this year. Because nobody else has your Soul’s medicine and the world needs it!
How about you? What is your word?
Sit quietly and ask your Soul. Your Soul will answer. Maybe not in this moment but just at the right time.