Hello beautiful Souls,
I truly hope you are having a wonderful time this holiday season.
And, that now, as we come to the final five days of 2018 you are creating time for reflection. First, to look back on all you learned this year, and then to notice if there is still anything that needs witnessing, grieving or just a final release.
You can then begin setting the tone for 2019, as you start to be intentional about how you want next year to unfold.
One of the most powerful ways to do this, is to decide how you want to FEEL in 2019. In other words, what is the FUEL you want to, well…fuel you, as you take all the little and big steps your Soul will guide you to take. I call this your “feeling-fuel”.
Rather than starting with setting goals, which focuses on the external, start by going inward, taking inventory of how you feel on most days, and then, with your Soul’s help, decide how you WANT to feel in 2019.
The power of this practice is that you are not just passively letting external circumstances dictate your emotional life.
I know it can seem like your feelings are like the weather, just coming and going without you having any choice in the matter.
And, sometimes, it may be that way.
There are certainly events that happen in our life that can feel very challenging, and we can be overcome with emotions that might not feel good but are actually very appropriate. And, we simply, just need to lovingly with them, before we can work on shifting them.
At the same time, creating a daily practice where you intentionally cultivate the feelings you WANT TO FEEL, is absolutely essential for your evolution and flow.
For example, when I start talking about this with clients, who are working on evolving their career and work life, they may notice, that on most days, one of their dominant feelings is a sense of urgency.
Now, in the past, this feeling might have been very helpful. That sense of urgency fueled them to work harder, to finish school, to build their business, to get more clients. But now rather than feeling motivated by this sense or urgency, they are feeling depleted, overwhelmed, and worse of all, like they will never reach the destination that will finally make them happy.
Urgency no longer works for them as their “feeling-fuel”. This is not a problem. It is just a sign that my clients have evolved. That their old fuel does not work anymore. And it’s time to consciously choose a new one.
The end of the year is a perfect time to take inventory on what your “feeling-fuel” has been, and what you want it to be moving forward. The best way to do this, is to ask yourself powerful questions.
I love these two questions that master coach and author, Brooke Castillo, suggests to help you get clarity on this.
1. On a daily basis what are your three most common feelings?
Don’t judge your answer. It’s normal if two or even all three of these feelings are what you would call negative. If you’re not sure what your top three feelings are, then start paying attention and then answer the question.
When I answered the first question I discovered that my top three feelings were: joy, low grade worry about the future, and some type of self-judgment about why I hadn’t done something better/differently.
I admit, I was kind of surprised. I consider myself a pretty optimistic, loving person, but when I was really honest with myself, those three were the most common feelings. Yes, sometimes, there was more joy and less of the other two feelings, and of course, many times I had other feelings, but overall these three feelings–joy, low grade worry, some type of self-judgement– were the most present in my day-to-day life.
Once you’re clear on your top three feelings move on to the next question.
2. What would you LIKE your top three feelings to be in 2019?
Answering the first question will make answering this second question a lot easier.
For instance, after answering the first question, I knew that in 2019, I want my top three feelings to be joy, pride in myself and trust in the universe.
Knowing that this is what I want my “feeling fuel” to be gives me clarity on next year. Yes, of course, I will create goals for myself as well, but first I want to make sure I am clear on how I want to feel as I work in attaining those goals.
In other words, what I want my “feeling fuel” to be. I know that if everyday I feel, joy, pride in myself and trust int the universe, I would feel successful. I would feel flow. I would feel like 2019 has been my best year ever (so far).
Notice, this doesn’t mean I don’t feel other things, only that these three feelings, are present everyday, to different degrees, because I am intentionally cultivating them.
This means that is essential that I create a PLAN on how I can cultivate: joy, pride in myself, and trust in the universe EVERYDAY. So far I know that everyday I want to take time to write down all the things I’ve done that day, that I am proud of.
This might sound childish, but I know that my brain goes to self-judgment way more easily than self-pride. So I need to start creating new thought pattern. Instead of listing all the things I still have to do, or wish I did differently, I will list the things I accomplished, the way I showed courage, the way I was vulnerable, the ways I helped others.
That’s just a small part of my plan but it gives you an idea. And by the way, your plan should be SIMPLE, so that you can follow it and stick to it. And of course you can tweak it throughout the year. And remember, the biggest transformations come from simple, ongoing, consistent steps.
Now it’s your turn.
On these last days of 2018, carve out some time for yourself, invite your Soul to be present, and answer those two questions I just shared with you.
And then, make a plan on how you will cultivate these feelings EVERYDAY.
I guarantee you that if you stick with it, this practice will ensure that you have an amazing year.
Because truly there is no point in reaching your goals if you used outdated fuel to get there.
The journey truly is the destination.
Blessings and love,
PS. If you feel ready to receive help with aligning with your Soul for your career and work life, click here to learn how you can schedule a free Breakthrough Session with me.
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