What has your life trained you to be? One of my teachers, author and priestess, Elaine Kalia Doughty,* posed this question on her private Facebook page last week. I was stunned by it. You see,
This year has been a year of learning. Of course, I have been learning my whole life. But in the last few years, a lot of it has been life learning, meaning that powerful type
How do you sabotage yourself? This question isn’t meant as a judgement but rather as a catalyst for inner exploration. But first, as you do this inner refection, it is important, that you call in
Alright dear ones, there are four months left in the year. If you have been following my blog, you know that 2017 is a year ONE of a NINE year cycle (Read previous blog here
Summer is winding down and the fall season is on its way. This is the perfect time to reflect on these past few months, release what no longer serves you, and open to receive the
Tomorrow’s solar eclipse feels like a perfect ending (or almost ending) to the tranformational summer a lot of us have had. Many of my clients and students have been in the midst of incredible shifts
It’s the seventh month. We’re over half way through the year! Although it might feel premature to think about the end of 2017 this is actually a perfect time to do so. Your mind might
Right now, in your mind, take a little trip into the future. Not too far. Just two months, right around Labor Day, which often feels like an important marker of the end of summer. So
This summer: The kids are home from school. We are finally doing some much needed home repairs. Family is visiting from out of town. We’re doing a lot of travel. There are so many fun
Welcome Soul Sisters to the Soul Studio for Your Career, a unique group coaching experience all about evolving your career. If you were led here you might be facing one of these situations: You’re ready
Mothering yourself to the next evolution of your life’s work. What does this mean? It means that as you follow your Soul’s guidance to the next phase of your life’s work, you treat yourself like
One of the hardest things I help my clients with is loving those parts of themselves that they dislike–and sometimes even hate. Most of the time these are parts that sabotage their efforts in doing