Get the behind the scenes, and hear a sneak peek at what’s coming this year! Listen to the special message below to hear the behind the scenes on why I’m leading a year of Mother
You’ve crossed the threshold into the new year! Yay! You may be feeling the energy of frenzied action all around you, and you may start to wonder if you’re falling behind in your career and
Whatever initiation you’re going through please understand it’s not a detour. It’s actually a very important part of the journey of evolving your career. The initiation may be about setting better boundaries so that you
I hope you each had a lovely holiday season. I know 202o was a historic year that brought a lot challenges, as well as opportunities for great healing and growth. This new year brings the
This powerful mantra will quantum leap your career to the next level. Divine acceptance is not about giving up or settling. It’s about stepping into the present moment where miracles and quantum leaps exist. Blessings!
If you want to lead and be of service in a way that births a new Earth, then radical self-care is essential. In today’s transmission I share special teachings and lead you on a journey
As wellness professionals it can be easy to focus on alleviating other people’s pain. However, it’s essential that you have consistent practice of tending to your own pain so that you can truly create a
I used to be terrified of public speaking. In grammar school I was the child who hated “show and tell”, or any sort of assignment that required me to stand up in front of the class and
Hello, my dears, as you know there is a lot of disruption and fear right now, and I want to really acknowledge the challenges of what’s unfolding. And I’m right there with you. In my
This week’s full moon was quite powerful. It was a time for celebrating all you’ve created in your career since the last NEW moon AND a time to get clear on any unnecessary baggage you’re
Tomorrow is leap day and I’ve been talking a lot about the fact that 2020 is a LEAP year. Energetically this means that this is a year to take Quantum Leaps, meaning to take exponential,
And using this word as a sort of theme, focal point, intention for your year (read more about this practice here in previous blog). This year the word, “COMMITTED”, chose me. I wanted other words,