BLESSED- 6-Week Healing & Empowerment Circle for Your Career
Journey Begins October 28th, 2024

You’re a therapist, or other wellness professional, and you want to help more people. Yet, you’re worried about overworking or even burning out.

You have a sense that there must be a way for you to increase your capacity to serve without depleting yourself.

Each class will be a combination of simple, yet powerful, teachings, energy healing and compassionate sharing designed to help you embody the state of being BLESSED and from that place overflow with vitality, creative solutions so that you can serve your clients without depletion and overwhelm.

In this way, you can be more efficient in how you help your clients and loved ones; meaning that you expend less energy yet create more transformation and healing.

You will practice the 3 Soul principles that are at the core of what I teach my clients:

  • Your Soul loves you unconditionally.
  • Your Soul is always giving to you.
  • You’re meant to receive from your Soul ever day.When you practice these principles you start to embody what I call a BLESSED state.From that BLESSED state you can heal any limiting thoughts that keep you working very hard but not creating the career you want to have.

Each class will be a combination of simple, powerful teachings, energy healing and compassionate sharing designed to help you overflow with vitality, creative solutions,  so that you can serve your clients with the greatest impact and without depletion and overwhelm.

What is a BLESSED state?

It’s the feeling, and energetic vibration that comes when you’re thinking the thought, my Soul loves me unconditionally and when you’re practicing receiving from your Soul every day. The combination of both of these then increases your ability to you tap into your Soul’s infinite capacity where you serve your clients at your highest capacity and without overwhelm.

 When you’re NOT experiencing a BLESSED state, you might find yourself in one of the following scenarios.

  • Having ongoing insecurities about your intellectual and/or intuitive abilities, which prevent you from truly growing your practice or sharing more of your gifts.
  • Having trouble saying no to requests so you over-give to clients.
  • Comparing yourself to others which causes you to stay in constant self-improvement but not stepping into your expertise energy.
  • Experiencing a lot of lack and limitation which could show up in your time, finances, and relationships.

But when you ARE in a BLESSED State:

Your self-worth is not dependent on how your clients see you or how your business is doing. You’re not enmeshment with work and are able to set clear boundaries with your time and energy. You appreciate all of the progress you’ve made and are excited to share it with others. You’re able to access your Soul’s creative solutions, genius ideas, and efficient problem solving for your clients. You’re able to tap into your Soul infinite capacity and continue expanding your career.

This 6-Week Program is for you, if you:

  • Want to help more people but do it without sacrificing your joy or well-being.
  • Have a deep calling to share more of your unique gifts in your career (even if you’re unclear of what they are) but insecurities hold you back.
  • Want to heal limiting thoughts that keep you in over-doing or over-giving in your career.
  • Want to release past hurts and cultivate the wisdom you’ve gained from these past experiences as transformative teachings/tools/practices for your clients.
  • Have a desire to connect with loving spirit guides that are your allies on this path.

Results of this 6-Week Journey

  • Learn how to heal limiting thoughts that keep you stuck in over-giving.
  • Learn how to receive ongoing guidance from the future you that is already serving at a higher capacity without sacrificing her well-being.
  • Heal internal wounds that keep you from sharing your unique gifts and creative endeavors that are here to heal the world.
  • Connect with a powerful circle of like-minded sisters that will help mirror the highest expression of who you are.
  • Expand your capacity to receive from your Soul and help your clients with more efficiency, impact and joy.

Journey includes:

  • Six 90-minute circles via Zoom on Mondays at 2pm CDT (please note one week class will be on a Wednesday). Replays will be provided.We are a global community so please find your time zone below. Also, remember that on many parts of the world there will be a time adjustment in November. If you need help figuring out the right time in your part of the world, click HERE.
  • A BLESSED graduation Ceremony via Zoom on the last week of class

Overview of 6-Week Journey

Each class will be a combination of sacred teachings, ceremonies, and compassionate sharing. There will also be a highlighted spiritual ally, from various spiritual traditions, that will be connect with the teachings each week.

I will also offer light coaching, when appropriate, and with individual’s permission.

I will offer suggestions to support your integration of the teachings in between the classes. There are optional. Rest assured, that this will not be “busy work” but rather Soul-led actions that you’ll be able to customize to your unique life circumstance.


Outline of 6 Weeks:

Week 1 (10/28): What does it mean to be blessed? Understand what being blessed means from your Soul’s perspective and why it’s essential to embody this state for the healing of the world.

Week 2 (WEDS. 11/6): Where are wounds blocking you from stepping into the next level of your leadership and service in your career? Identify and compassionately heal wounds that keep you repeating patterns of over giving, overdoing and self-sacrifice.

Week 3 (11/11): What blessings are meant to overflow through you to the world?
Learn how to receive wisdom and insights from your future self about how you’re meant to share your unique gifts with the greatest impact and without overwhelm.

Week 4 (11/18): What aspect of your Blessed Heart is being activated so that you can love and be loved more deeply? Clear wounds that have you hold back from showing up to your career with the most authenticity, service and impact.

Week 5 (11/25): How can you align with the state of being BLESSED everyday throughout the day?  Create a daily practice that empowers you to stay in a state of service without sacrifice and creating impact without over-giving.

Week 6 (12/2): BLESSED Sacred Graduation Ceremony where each person will receive an individualized channeled message from their Soul and spiritual allies.

All your Divine Allies will be in attendance!


As soon as you join, you will be invited to join a private WhatsApp group where I will share thoughtful, joyful, curated resources* to help you cultivate the frequency of being BLESSED.
This is designed to be inspiring and beautiful and to start the flow of blessings NOW (before our first day).


Invite a friend to join, and if she does, receive a $15 credit for either my next group journey or an upcoming  Mother Mary, Teaching & Healing class.


Why this special $99 rate?

Some of my existing clients will choose to participate in this journey as a refresh that is very healing for them and will help them go out into the world and help more people. For others of you, this will be an introductory course that allows you to experience my work, and see if working together in my private coaching program aligns.

Investment: Full Payment, $99

How to register:

Register via PayPal: Click HERE
If you prefer Zelle or Venmo the details are below.

Pay via Zelle:
Pay via Venmo: @Lisaesp23

This course may be tax deductible if used for your career. Consult your accountant to be sure.

Want private help? Schedule a free Breakthrough Consult.

If you need help connecting with your Soul consistently so that you can share your unique gifts with impact, while simultaneously creating a life you love, I can help you. Click HERE to sign up for your free Breakthrough Consult.

schedule an exploratory

Lisa Espinosa is a Modern-Day Priestess, Spiritual Career Coach and the award-winning author of, Answering Your Inner Calling. Lisa is currently working on her second book, Priestess, Rise Up! She created and hosted the podcast, Soul Studio for Your Career. Lisa integrates her training in the Internal Family Systems model of psychotherapy, Reiki energy healing, and spiritual principles in her work. She is a mother of five. Her deep connection with the Divine Mother infuses all of her work.

LEGAL NOTICE: Lisa Espinosa does not diagnose conditions nor does she prescribe or perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. Her sessions and classes do not take the place of a medical or psychological care.