Feeling your emotions is an essential part of your leadership path. In this transmission, Lisa talks about the sacred space that is created when we allow ourselves to feel all of the emotions. Lisa also
As we prepare for our relocation I’m knee deep… (read full blog below) This picture captures a grateful moment of inner space after a lot of “feeling all the feels.” As we prepare for our
Your sacred mission was designed by your Soul. This means your Soul is an essential guide on this path of fulfilling your purpose. However, blocks can get in the way of you accessing your Soul’s
The priestess path requires the courage to release to make space for grace and love. In this week’s transmission, Lisa leads a ceremony to release and clear your energy field and become a more powerful
Your Soul knows the miracles you need in your life so you can be of greater service. However, you need to be in a state of receptivity in order to fully receive them, and then
You’re meant to connect with your Soul, every day, throughout the day so that you can be guided on the steps to take to fulfill your Divine mission. Lisa shares 3 simple, yet powerful, steps
Divine Leadership is about service. However, common misconceptions about spiritual service often create fears of taking on more service. Here, Lisa teaches what it means to be of true service so you can be the
On your leadership path you need both your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Energies. In today’s transmission, Lisa helps you identify which aspect of these energies you’re being guided to embody. Lisa also leads a
There are times when part of our leadership training is learning to be with the hard emotions in a good way. In this episode, Lisa shares 3 simple, but powerful, practices to use when you’re
Your emotional body can be filled with wounds from the past. In this transmission, Lisa talks about the importance of clearing our emotional body so you can become a more powerful channel of unconditional love
As you fulfill your Divine mission ancestral wounds will come up for healing. Your enlightened ancestors are powerful allies that can help you with this healing. An ancestral healing meditation is included. View the replay
Our life’s initiations are often painful, because they always include some level of uncertainty. Our Egoic structure needs certainty so it finds initiations quite uncomfortable and even unbearable. In this transmission, Lisa shares powerful teachings about