Right now, in your mind, take a little trip into the future. Not too far. Just two months, right around Labor Day, which often feels like an important marker of the end of summer. So
This summer: The kids are home from school. We are finally doing some much needed home repairs. Family is visiting from out of town. We’re doing a lot of travel. There are so many fun
Welcome Soul Sisters to the Soul Studio for Your Career, a unique group coaching experience all about evolving your career. If you were led here you might be facing one of these situations: You’re ready
Mothering yourself to the next evolution of your life’s work. What does this mean? It means that as you follow your Soul’s guidance to the next phase of your life’s work, you treat yourself like
One of the hardest things I help my clients with is loving those parts of themselves that they dislike–and sometimes even hate. Most of the time these are parts that sabotage their efforts in doing
In my last blog, I shared the importance of looking back on this nine year cycle that just ended and uncovering any remaining wounds and burdens about your life’s work. You do this so you
If you’ve been following my blog, many of you know, that in numerology 2017 is a year one. This means it’s the beginning of a nine year cycle in your life. As 2016 came to
Slow down to speed up. It sounds paradoxical. But this is a message I give the vast majority of my clients, especially when they are first starting to work with me. This is confusing for
Click here to receive these meditations. You have a special medicine to share with the world, what I call your Soul’s medicine. Your Soul’s medicine is made up of all of your unique talents, and
This week I went on a little solo retreat. It was only for a few hours but it made all the difference. Instead of staying home to work on all the things on my to-do
These first days of the year I’ve been trying to stay alert to my Soul’s guidance on how to best set the tone for the year. I’ve decluttered and organized. I’ve continued with my daily
Ahh, what a year this has been. There have been so many blessings, lessons, and of course, challenges. As most of you know this year my book finally came out. Although, the birth of my