Your presence, your gifts and your Soul’s medicine are an essential part of the answered prayer for humanity.
This truth can be hard to accept.
You may feel insecure about your contributions, and doubt the importance of your gifts.
Or, you may feel overwhelmed by such a mission and become paralyzed, not knowing where to begin.
The simple answer is that you begin NOW.
Remember, that your Soul has placed you exactly where you need to be to fulfill your mission.
Being the answered prayer is about releasing control of how the miracles are meant to flow through you.
It’s a courageous journey of Divine surrender.
Even if you’re in transition–and you know that where you are is not the final destination–still, in that in-between space you’re meant to share your gifts.
This is NOT about going into hustle energy or rescue mode.
Humanity doesn’t need rescuing.
It needs an awakening.
Let me say that again.
Humanity needs to wake up to the truth of it’s Divine nature.
So, whatever the unique details of your Soul’s medicine, at it’s core, it’s a Divine alarm clock that is meant to ring loud and clear, to wake others up (and yourself in the process).
This could be through your art work, your words, your healing gifts, your prayers, your meditations, your kindness, your fierceness, your faith, your laughter, your wisdom and so much more.
Being the answered prayer is way more simple, and profound, than it seems.
Just ask your Soul: How can I be the answered prayer today?
Your Soul might answer you in surprising ways.
Maybe, She’ll guide you to connect with your heart, and release the fear of loving more–as Mother Mary guided me to do years ago.
This will allow you to send more potent prayers and healing to those you’re guided to help.
Or maybe your Soul will guide you to take that one action step you’ve been putting off.
Either way, your Soul knows your unique role in the awakening of the world.
You’ve got this my dear! Now, go and be the answered prayer today.
BONUS: After I wrote today’s message I was guided to pull a card for you from the Mother Mary Oracle deck by Alana Fairchild. I was delighted to see the “Our Lady of Answered Prayers” card jump up. Here’s an excerpt from the accompanying message.
This oracle brings a profound message of peace, in that your prayers are being answered now. Feeling the relief of this realization can help than answer reach us more quickly. A soft, receptive heart, rather than a heart hardened by fear or expectation of disappointment, can be touched the Divine more easily.