Your Soul is the most efficient, powerful guide for your career evolution. It knows the details of your life’s mission. And if you’re committed to following Her guidance you will be led in the best way to share your medicine with the world.
Join Lisa as she leads a 5-day journey through her award-winning book, Answering Your Inner Calling. Originally provided May 26 – 28 & June 1 – 2, 2020, you can view each of the five transmissions below.
She highlights important teachings from each chapter of her book in an effective, impactful way so you can integrate these teachings as you evolve your career.
Day 1: Today I shared my story of leaving my successful career in education to do the work I do today. I shared essential principles to aligning with your Soul and talked about 3 important Soul qualities you can cultivate to enhance your Soul connection and share your medicine with the world. I also led a healing Soul meditation & pulled oracle cards.
Day 2: From flirting to fully committing to your Soul. In today’s transmission I shared important teachings from the Commitment Practice in my book, Answering Your Inner Calling, and led two Soul meditations so you can access your own inner guidance about your Soul led career evolution.
Day 3: Identify and heal those parts that can sabotage your career evolution. I shared practical tools and led two Soul meditations to help you access your Soul’s wisdom about your career. Simple oracle card reading included.
Day 4: Your Soul is always communicating with you and can guide you step-by-step to the most efficient, focused way to evolve your career. A Soul meditation and June oracle card reading is included.
Day 5: Connecting with your Soul first before taking action isn’t indulgent or naïve. It is wise and courageous because your Soul is eternally tapped into Source and knows the most efficient and focused way for you to evolve your career and share your medicine. In this last Facebook Live of the series I include a Soul meditation and oracle card reading.