In preparation for the Divine Mother virtual mini-retreat this Friday I’m sharing these daily Facebook Live transmissions to help you learn to mother yourself so you can feel safe to be seen & share more of your medicine with the world.
These videos are lovingly shared with you whether you’re attending the retreat or not. Of course, I’d love for you to attend. If you’re feeling your Soul nudging you to say YES, click to access details for this virtual mini-retreat.
Day 1: You are lovingly invited to the Divine Mother retreat this Friday. Here I share some details and a Mother Mary oracle card for you!
Day 2: Heal the inner punisher with Green Tara’s, Om Tare mantra, and Mother Mary’s, Hail Mary prayer. I also pulled two oracle cards for you!
Day 3: How can you keep showing up to your service in a good way when you’re tired? Your Soul knows! Ask Her to teach you how to access more of Her divine energy, Her creative ideas, Her resourcefulness and nurturing energy.
Day 4: Full moon prayer to love more! Such a powerful, courageous prayer for this full moon. Remember tomorrow is the Divine Mother retreat! I’d love for you to join this sacred gathering 💕.